Bulletproof Ankles
Bulletproof Ankles

Bulletproof Ankles

California Strength
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If you’ve sprained or rolled your ankles multiple times and are looking to get out of your ankle braces for good when lifting, jogging or playing your sport, this is the protocol for you! This protocol is geared toward athletes who need ankle stability for dynamic movements, such as running, cutting, pivoting, and jumping. Athletes in football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse and other sports requiring dynamic loading would benefit greatly from this program.

Kelly Wild, a licensed Physical Therapist, has combined the latest in rehabilitation techniques with her vast athletic experience to provide you with a road map to stable and functional ankles!

This 8-Week guided program will take you step by step through the same progressions she uses with her patients every day to improve ankle stability.

  • 24 Workouts (approximately 45 minutes each)

  • Appropriate for all experience levels

  • Scalable alternatives for each exercise included

  • Complete Video Tutorial Library with Detailed Points of Performance

  • 32 + Pages


“As a competitive athlete and physical therapist, I can relate not only to the success athletes experience with big wins, but I can also relate to the struggle and frustration that athletes endure due to injury. I believe that health care should be PROACTIVE, not reactive. My primary goal in developing this program is to improve your stability, structural balance and reduce your risk of injury so that you can continue to pursue your athletic and fitness goals. By adhering to the protocol outlined in this book, I look forward to seeing you through an active and healthy life!” - Kelly Wild

You will receive a digital copy of Bulletproof Ankles immediately following your purchase.